
Love is in the Air (Flower Thrower)

Big Idea/Subject: 


Major Theme: 

Stenciled Graffiti 

Visual Components: 
Juxtaposition, Emphasis, Color, Line, Shape

Pop Culture 

Description/Interpretation: This large format stenciled graffiti piece by Banksy was painted shortly after the construction of the West Bank Wall in Jerusalem. The piece is visually simple, using large shape and simple line to construct the figure that is contrasted to the flowers. The flowers are created using color, contrasting the simple black figure. Conceptually, the flowers are replacing a grenade and create that juxtaposition with the militant of war.

Use in Teaching: 
This photo is an interpretation and comment on a social and political issue. Graffiti art is also an aspect of visual culture that, like many mediums, is questioned on its validity in the visual arts/fine art world. I think showing art in the classroom that comments on social issues is an important aspect of the visual arts classroom. This gives students the opportunity to critically think and assess a work and the meaning of it.

Guiding Questions: 
1) What do you think this piece is saying? 
2) Why do you think that?
3) What do the flowers represent?
​4) Would it make a difference if the flowers were not in color? 

As a project, I would have students collaborate on a group mural. They would begin a dialogue on a social issue or problem they care about or want to comment on. It could be bullying, pollution, social media, etc. Once they choose their issue, I would lead discussions on how we would represent that issue with imagery in our mural. Asking questions like: How would Banksy represent this issue? How can we use symbolism to represent this issue? What colors best symbolize this? 
After this kind of dialogue, students will work through designing the mural together. The final mural would be painted together as a group. 

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