Barbara Kruger

Untitled (The war for me to become you), 2008

American conceptual artist and collagist 
Kruger is known for her combination of image and type that conveys a feminist cultural critique. Kruger's work also examines stereotypes and consumerisms in modern society. 

Big Idea/Subject: 

Major Theme: 

Medium/Presentation: Archival pigment print
40 × 31 83/100 in

Visual Components: Text, Color, Emphasis, Light, Balance

Pop Art
Pop Culture

Description/Interpretation: This piece is an example of Kruger’s provocative imagery that is accompanied by text to draw attention to societal issues. This image has Kruger’s signature, bold, red coloring in the center of the image to highlight the main text. The smaller text is connected through the burning match and flame at the bottom of the composition. The image offers the viewer to make their own interpretation, though I believe this piece is drawing attention to the importance of forming a personal identity in a society that often hinders individuality. ​

Use in Teaching: 
This is a great image and artist to reference in a middle level classroom. Barbara Kruger critiques and analyzes culture in a simplistic and visual way. The issues she confronts are often issues that middle level students are dealing with for the first time and in a heightened way as well (identity, body image, beauty standards, social givens, etc.). This also is an example of visual art that incorporates images and text.

Guiding Questions: 
1) What do you think Barbara Kruger is saying in this piece?
2) How do you think color is used to emphasize this concept?
3) How does the text tell a story?

For a project, I would have students explore this concept of text and image to explore identity, emphasis, and narrative.
​To begin, I would create a dialogue with students about their own identity. Who are you? What do you want people to see about you? What don’t people normally see? The text they will be using in the piece will be  an “I am ______” statement. After this discussion, they will choose the word about themselves that best completes their statement. To create their text, they could use a choice of color media to make the words (paint, colored pencil, etc.) Students will then create a black and white collage on 11”x14” paper with images that reflect their statement with provided or their own materials. Once the background collage is completed, they will cut out the text and apply it to the collage. This project will allow students to explore personal concept while applying art skills and elements like emphasis, color use, balance, etc.

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